WE have had an allotment at Newtown Road, Weston, since March this year.

Many hours have been spent turning the waste ground into a suitable place for plants to grow.

We were thrilled to pick our first peas, runner beans, potatoes, cabbage, courgettes, lettuce etc.

Our pride and joy was the sweetcorn, which was just about ready to pick.

To our horror somewhere between August 16 and August 18, someone cut a hole in the metal fence at Chamberlayne.

There were beer cans strewn everywhere.

All our sweetcorn was ripped apart and taken, along with some runner beans.

They also took some bamboo canes and tried to set fire to them.

I broke down in tears after all our hard work, so whoever took our sweetcorn, I hope they were filled with maggots!

MRS S SMITH, Itchen, Southampton.