NEW Forest residents, their parish councils and other representative organisations are right to be concerned over the increasing numbers of aircraft, and the noise generated over them (Daily Echo, August 13).

For many years (since 1965, when the present runway was constructed), residents of Townhill Park and Bitterne Park have been protesting about the noise and pollution caused by the increasing numbers of aircraft using the airport.

We have had many assurances, and promises to the effect that the problems would be addressed and suitable action taken to moderate or reduce the effects on several thousand homes in these areas.

We have to report that virtually none of these assurances or promises have been fulfilled, and the two local authorities principally concerned (Southampton and Eastleigh) seem to be unable or unwilling to take effective action.

Both believe the airport is beneficial to the region; my view is that if that is the case, perhaps the runway should be realigned so as to avoid the built-up areas!

Many people (most of whom do not live here) think the airport should stay and expand its services. The present airport plan is to increase passenger numbers from about 1.5 million to about six million by 2030. We believe this will mean more and bigger aircraft using the airport.

We have not had too many allies in the past for our cause; certainly not from the New Forest area.

The people of the New Forest may find themselves similarly without friends; but we nevertheless wish them and their representatives every success in their campaign.

DAVID ROSE, Townhill Park, Southampton.