FRIDAY, August 24 marked the first 100 days of the Conservative administration in Southampton.

I am writing to put into perspective some of the achievements that the party and administration has created in this short amount of time.

In the last 100 days, we have secured the position of two brand new city academies, which will continue to ensure that our city's children continue to have the best education, it is the Conservatives who have provided £5m of investment towards these new schools, while an additional £50m of outside investment will be attracted to the schools as a result of this decision.

Our popular election promises are being delivered, we have promised and will deliver a council tax discount for pensioners and this will be will be brought in next year, council tax will be scrapped for any Southampton residents who sign up to become special constables. Importantly, our pledge to bring in free bus travel for seniors will begin in April. All of this was brought in by the city's Conservative administration.

On a personal level, the residents of Redbridge have my promise that I will speak up for them on each and every issue, I will continue to try to make sure that our streets stay clean, safe and trouble free, and that any issues will be brought to the attention of the council immediately. As the newly selected Conservative spokesman in Redbridge, I look forward to listening to the views and issues that the people of Redbridge want tackling.

PAUL HOLMES, Conservative candidate for Redbridge.