ACTION for ME strongly recommends that readers who have ME, their families, carers, GPs and other healthcare professionals get their hands on a copy of the new guideline on ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis/encephalopathy), or chronic fatigue syndrome, which was published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) on August 22.

It is not perfect but here at last is an official guideline which recognises the reality of the illness and its symptoms, is patient centred, advocates individual management plans for care and treatment and emphasises partnership between healthcare professionals and patients, their families and carers. Copies may be downloaded free from Through contacts with patients, Action for ME will monitor rigorously the implementation of the guideline. We will also work with colleagues in the NHS to make sure their training is patient focused.

At the same time, we call on the Government to invest more in biomedical research into the causes of this appalling illness, so that one day doctors can prescribe a cure.

Information and support for readers with ME and their carers is available through our website ( and information line (lo-call 0845 123 2380).

SIR PETER SPENCER, chief executive, Action for ME.