I thought Colin Drew's missive about hating Islam quite despicable (Letters August 20).

While, I suspect that in political matters, there is little I agree with the Reverend Ian Johnson about, on the issue of mutual respect and tolerance between people of different religions he is absolutely right.

Mr Drew should remember Christianity teaches us to love our neighbour not hate and in case he has forgotten. There is a useful parable about Samaritans to explain just who our neighbour is.

Of course we must despise and hold in contempt terrorists who engage in murderous behaviour, regardless of which "ism" it is claimed to be done in the name of, and such behaviour is rejected by all major religions.

Sadly Christianity has had its share of misguided extremists who have killed and maimed, in its name but that does not mean we must hate Christians.

Once you stray down the route of proclaiming "hate" for people just because of their faith you are getting very close to the philosophy of the Nazis and we all know where that led.

ROY PERRY, co-chairman, Hampshire InterFaith Network.