VOTER registration forms are being distributed in Southampton with the request that the form is completed and returned to the electoral registration officer as soon as possible. Moreover, you have to advise whether you will be living in the property on October 15.

From this gem piece of information, it seems unlikely that Gordon Brown will call an early election in the autumn.

Next time around, perhaps the form could be redesigned, so that each elector would be required to sign the form. At present it appears that only one signature is required for the household. This opens up the possibility for fraud.

Also interestingly, EU citizens can vote in our local elections. If they are resident in Southampton, their votes at elections is what democracy is all about. At this stage, EU citizens must complete the registration form, this, of course, presuming that they can speak and read English. Again, it is important that each voter signs the form.

With this form of census, it should be possible to indicate just how many non-British voters live in each ward in the city. Such information could provide useful data for the city planning authorities - like housing requirements, school provision, etc.

KIM ROSE, Southampton.