EVERY evening on our television, both BBC and ITV, we hear obscene language. As far as I understand it, the broadcasting of such language is unlawful.

May I ask why the governors of the BBC are not prosecuted for this? The same, of course, goes for ITV.

Are those who make up these committees warned by police from time to time, or are the police failing in their duty?

Throughout our land, the smoker, unlike the broadcasting moguls, has not taken the law into his own hands, he has meekly moved outside his pub, to drink his pint on the pavement.

Publicans, now in desperation to keep at least some of their business, and steer clear of the £3,000 sledge hammer in the hands of our selective police force, have started a mini-DIY boom around the nation. Marquees and gazebos are springing up even in the tiniest back yards; they know only too well what winter will bring.

Is this a level playing field, Mr Brown? Or is this a new type of law?

When we hire a car, the renters do not have to pay our parking fines. If my pocket is picked on the Underground, London Transport are not prosecuted. If a police officer shoots dead an innocent member of the public, does his chief constable have to pay a £3,000 fine?

Why should a pub landlord be expected to do differently and be responsible for the actions of strangers?

Is this anything to do with class, Mr Brown?

JOHN COOK, Bitterne, Southampton.