OH DEAR, oh dear, oh dear. The Rev Ian Johnson is distressed at what he sees as an insult to his boss (Daily Echo).

I have tried many times in my 75 years to glean some understanding of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost, The Three-in-One.

I remember a teacher when I was about seven trying to explain the mystery. With all seriousness she told us the Holy Ghost was everywhere and, probably seeing a look of disbelief on my face announced that he was behind my chair at this very moment'. Of course when I turned to see him, there was nothing and after a lifetime of searching there still is nothing!

Three empty white shirts hanging on the wall seems to me to sum up the dilemma of the Three, now to be seen in Southampton Art Gallery at what is, in total, a splendid exhibition - well worth a visit!

The shirts clearly belong to the male sex and the mystery nicely explained by their emptiness. The white handkerchiefs hanging from the cuff of each shirt could either be a signal of surrender or an attempt to catch the eye of the passer-by.

I have no interpretation of the three men's underpants beneath each shirt.

It is time religious leaders developed a sense of humour and the better it will be for the rest of us. If their Gods are as all seeing, all powerful' as is claimed, they are perfectly able to look after their own honour' and interests. If these Gods take offence they could smight those of us who find some entertainment in the odd irreverence.