THERE has been significant reporting in the Daily Echo since August 19 of an application made to Southampton City Council by the Southampton Taxi Trades Associations for a variation to the maximum table of fares.

Some of that reporting has been misleading and I would like to set the record straight.

The application was made as a result of increases in fuel prices and vehicle running costs.

There had been criticism of the Southampton fare structure as over complicated in specialist taxi and private hire publications.

Informal discussions took place between officers and trade representatives in an effort to simplify the fare chart and the result is a proposal to alter the initial charge and increase the initial distance travelled.

The effect of this is to increase the initial charge on the daytime rate to £2.90 from £2 and to increase the distance travelled for that amount from 110 metres to 550 metres.

This application to the council is the first stage of a democratic process. If anyone has a valid objection to the increase they can make that objection in response to the public notice of the proposed variation to the solicitor to the council by September 13.

Before making any objection I would urge you to read the public notice which lays out the full impact of the application in simple terms.

COUNCILLOR BRIAN PARNELL, chairman, licensing general sub-committee), Southampton City Council.