IS Councillor Adrian Vinson living in some sort of parallel universe?

I watched with incredulity the debacle that was the failing Liberal Democrats' attempts to foist a gypsy site on the people of Mansbridge. How dare they call themselves democratic?

Cllr Vinson claims councillors represented residents' views. Rubbish. The three ward councillors voted against the Conservatives to proceed with their plans.

It was only when a significant number of residents banded together to fight the proposals that the councillors attempted to save themselves and vote against at Cabinet.

They only did that with the permission of their leader and because they knew the majority view of the Cabinet would carry the day.

They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. The local residents voted in great numbers to throw the Liberal Democrats out of office. If Cllr Vinson continues to insist he and his colleagues did no wrong, I've no doubt they will suffer a further humiliation at a subsequent election.

Isn't it time he apologised?

A WILTSHIRE, Southampton.