I WOULD remind Councillor Sue Jackson (Letters, August 25) that if she has further intentions of casting aspersions in the direction of the United Kingdom Independence Party she gets her facts right or tells the whole story.

The MEP she refers to may have been voted in as a UKIP MEP but has now no connection with the party and works purely as an independent.

If there is to be any criticism of the honesty of MEPs (of any party) it should be laid at the door of the EU for keeping these erring people on as members once they lose the backing of the party that put them into power.

Regarding Lordshill Community Centre, it appears that no one was responsible for its closure and every party is responsible for its re-opening.

I would suggest that anything achieved was due to people power and pressure on the council - the only way to achieve anything in Southampton and with no individual councillor involved.

L A O'BEE, UKIP, Lordswood, Southampton.