REGARDING the comment made by Lib Dem councillor Jill Baston at the Monks Brook meeting on July 18, she has yet to make a public apology to residents of Swaythling for her disrespectful and untrue comment.

Councillor Adrian Vinson recently commented in her defence in an In My View article that she only directed this at a few letters they had supposedly received at the council regarding Monks Brook.

She should be more professional and leave such comments to the privacy of her own home.

Also in response to a previous letter towards me by Councillor Ceren Davies, my facts were correct regarding her comments at the planning meeting, so please do not try to make me look foolish.

I took notes and everyone there knew exactly what you said so please be humble and apologise to me through this page or if not contact my local councillor. I'm sure she will be only too pleased to give you my contact details for a personal apology.

RICHARD ROWE, Swaythling, Southampton.