I AM a retired police officer from the West Midlands who has spent more than a decade writing a thorough account of all manner of strange inexplicable phenomenon, which includes reports of UFOs.

The work is split into five volumes, and entitled Haunted Skies, which I am hoping to publish.

One case that was brought to my attention took place on October 7, 1994, when a family (names witheld) from Southampton were on their way to Swanmore, when they encounted a strange patch of fog after apparently being followed along Paradise Lane.

The story is, of course, far more complex and involves background characteristics identical to other accounts I have come across over the years, endorsing the strongest of likelihoods this was a very genuine occurence.

My experience into such matters reveals that predominantly the majority of these manifestations will and do occur along ancient energy lines ancient sites such as roman roads, etc.

I'm wondering if any readers have experienced anything strange around the Paradise Lane area of Swanmore, or perhaps they may like to make a contribution, taking into consideration the need to preserve such stories for posterity rather than letting them slip away into history.

JOHN HANSON, Alvechurch, Worcestershire.

0121 445 0340 e-mail: johndawn@hansonholloway.fsnet.co.uk