I WRITE in reply to letter from Martin Kyrle (September 1).

As he put it, my "ill-tempered rant'' was not about nothing but was against his Liberal Democrat party attempting to claim that all that the current council was doing was finalising Lib Dem policies.

I was merely pointing out to Lib Dems that if all the current policies and intiatives currently being put in place by our council were Lib Dem policies and initiatives why couldn't they have put them in place while they were running the council?

He then goes on to make an incorrect statement. In the seats that UKIP fought at the recent local elections we acheived far more than the 2.5 per cent he claims we achieved. Come on, Mr Kyrle, give a balanced calculated argument.

It is Mr Kryle's party that are still to answer for their councillors teaming up with Labour to force an unwanted transit site on the residents of Swaythling and Mansbridge.

RYAN NEWELL, chairman, UKIP Southampton.