I WOUJLD like to ask all students heading off to university in the coming weeks to make a life-saving decision as they begin a new phase in their lives; become a superhero and save a life.

Thousands of students are leaving home for the first time this term and UK Transplant will be joining them. Our Superhero roadshow will be visiting freshers' fairs at 14 universities around the country inviting students to join the NHS Organ Donor Register. The register is maintained by UK Transplant, part of the NHS, and is the most secure way of recording your wish to be an organ donor. To date, more than 14.6 million people have signed up.

However, there is still a desperate shortage of donated organs for transplant in the country. More than 9,000 people need a transplant and although more than 3,000 transplant operations took place last year, around 400 people died while waiting. This is why UK Transplant is asking all students to think about signing up to the register and talking about their wishes with their families; it really is a life-saving decision.

Anyone who wants to find out more about organ donation or who wants to join the NHS Organ Donor Register can do so by calling the Organ Donor Line on 0845 60 60 400 or by visiting www.uktransplant.org.uk ANGIE BURTON, marketing and campaigns manager, UK Transplant, Bristol.