THE Rev Ian Johnson is very privileged to have his every word put into print and I am certain there are many writers who envy his situation!

There may also be some who savour his every word and agree with his political comments.

Many, however, must feel as I do, that he is overstepping his religious bounds into subjects he understands little about.

To quote some of his words (From the Heart, August 31), between April and June this year only 4,950 people were granted asylum in the United Kingdom and 2,980 were deported.

This, he says, leaves a balance of just 1,970, so he is telling us that the 2,980 who were deported were part and parcel of the same 4,950 who were originally granted asylum, or were they part of a different few thousand immigrants?

Come off it, you know as well as most of us that immigration has been out of control in this country for many years now and no-one, not even you, can put any definite figures on the number of illegal immigrants we have living among us now.

There are still millions of British citizens who would back Enoch Powell if he were still with us.

Our streets may not be exactly rivers of blood but I maintain there is more blood flowing today in this country then there was when Enoch made his speech.

Shootings and stabbings are becoming common place with yardie drug gangs running rampant in London and most large cities now.

The trouble with the Rev Johnson's way of thinking is that he puts the economy of the country before the environment, he seems to see no wrong in concreting over our green belts.

If it is not as he says immigration (population growth) that is causing the housing shortage perhaps he could explain what is? Certainly not British birth boom, that's in decline.

One thing I already know is that many of these immigrants are becoming multi-occupancy landlords, buying properties purely for the purpose of money making, charging exorbitant rents and thus creating a shortage and rising prices.

The colour of a person's skin has nothing to do with the immigration situation, it is purely the unlimited numbers - black, white or yellow -pouring into the country since our entry into the EU with Brussels dictating the rules and the British public having to take a back seat on the subject.

Nothing will improve while we remain in this situation.

L A O'BEE, Lordswood, Southampton.