THERE continues to be a legitimate debate about Enoch Powell's so-called "rivers of blood" speech delivered in Birmingham nearly 40 years ago on April 20, 1968.

The Rev Ian Johnson (From the Heart, August 31) is, of course, entitled to caricature and misrepresent Mr Powell's prediction of a boom in the ethnic minority population.

However, as one leading commentator recently wrote, that speech erred in its accuracy only by being understated.

What is both deplorable and disgraceful is Mr Johnson's scarcely concealed suggestion that Mr Powell was a moustache-wearing Hitlerite who should have been encouraged to leave the country.

For the record, Mr Powell was an outstanding scholar, poet, able Cabinet minister and distinguished soldier who enlisted as a private in the war against Nazism in 1939 and rose to the rank of Brigadier by 1945.

Mr Johnson demeans both himself and his office with his irresponsible imagery.

COLIN SMITH, Totton branch, New Forest East Conservatives.