SO now we know. It's official. In spite of the fact that Gordon Brown has denied it the reform treaty is actually the old, rejected EU constitution back in all its glory.

Confirmation that the constitution is back was revealed by no less an august body than the leaders of the European Parliament, the Conference of Presidents.

In their own agenda, they have agreed to postpone a discussion on the constitutional treaty.

Since it is official and we are dealing with the constitution, how can the Prime Minister still blindly refuse to allow the British people the referendum they were promised in the Labour manifesto of 2005?

With scores of his own MPs calling for the vote and 80 per cent of the British people in favour of having their say, Mr Brown has stubbornly refused to listen, claiming there is no need because "it's not a constitution".

Now we know it is.

Leader of the UK Independence Party Nigel Farage said: "At last this is out in the open air where everyone can see it for what it is. So let's have no more ducking and diving from Mr Brown. Let him find some trace of honour and honesty and give the British people what they were promised.

"We are in a political union that is costing this country over £4 billion every week. Let Mr Brown call a referendum and then fight for what he believes is right for this country and let the people decide.

"At least now the Prime Minister cannot use weasel words to back away from a referendum."

RYAN NEWELL, UKIP, Southampton.