REGARDING Peter Law's investigation into Southampton's taxi trade, the fare increase and Daily Echo comment (September 1).

Unfortunately, Mr Law has based his investigation on taxi drivers who know very little (if indeed anything) of the relevant facts.

I used to be a taxi trade representative, sitting on both local and national committees. It was in my capacity as a local trade representative I crossed swords with Southampton councillors and officers on behalf of the trade over many issues.

However, when it came to fare increases the council always dealt with them fairly, bearing both the trade and the public in mind. I know well enough that the council would never sanction a fare increase of 45 per cent!

Finally, regarding derestriction/delimitation. The taxi drivers who instigated Mr Law's investigation should log onto the Department for Transport's website and find the page Taxi Licensing: Review of Local Authority Quantity Control Policies. It summarises the reasons numerous local authorities have opted for maintaining quantity control.

The reasons are categorised under "why change a policy that works, consumer benefits, trade interests, taxi ranks, traffic congestion, wider transport/social policy, premiums and miscellaneous.'' DAVE GRIFFITHS, Shirley, Southampton.