I AM writing in response to the article headlined Too Many Markets Will Kill Our Trade (Daily Echo, September 1).

As a regular user of the market at the Bargate on Fridays I am appalled at the way the traders have been treated.

I have used the catering unit which has been near the Bargate for the last 16 months every Friday and a lot of Saturdays.

As from yesterday they have been moved to the other end of the market and they are only allowed to put out 12 chairs for customers.

I was told that this was because of complaints from other retailers.

I have patronised the catering unit for several reasons: 1. I am able to smoke there thanks to the Goverment banning smoking indoors.

2. The service is brilliant and all the staff are friendly, polite, clean and helpful.

3. A mug of tea costs only 60p, not £1.50 as a lot of the altenatives charge 4. The food is freshly cooked, of the highest quality and not overpriced.

I hope that the other retailers are proud of themselves in trying to force someone out.

There is always a queue of people waiting to be served and some of the customers are staff from the shops.

I hope that the catering van can pull through this difficult time and thank them for their service over the last 16 months.

You can count on me remaining a loyal customer.

J CURTISS (by e-mail).