ON checking the job pages in the Daily Echo every week, I am frequently frustrated by the regular adverts encouraging school leavers to train as plumbers.

My son, Ben, left school in 2005 and was enthusiastic and determined to train in what he thought was a useful trade.

He managed to secure two places in training schemes (with CITB and Southampton City Training). However, after repeated attempts to find an employer willing to take him on as an apprentice, he signed on for a two-year course at City College to study for the Technical Certificate in Plumbing and PEO in Engineering.

During his time at college there have been only three apprenticeship posts advertised, two of those with Southampton City Council. Ben was shortlisted and interviewed for all three. On the second attempt he was in the last two and on the third he was one of 20 shortlisted from a total of 1,200 applications.

Having finished his course he is now becoming increasingly disheartened by the lack of positions available and may be forced to deviate from his chosen career. There must be hundreds of others like him.

Perhaps it is time for someone to admit that there are no jobs available for all of the young people encouraged into training by claims that "the industry needs properly qualified plumbers now''.

It appears that getting properly qualified is almost impossible, as companies are not prepared to take on apprentices.

Ben won't be beaten yet, but I imagine many more have already wasted their time training and have long since given up.

Perhaps an employer reading this may be prepared to give a very keen and hard working young man a chance.