MY attention has belatedly been drawn to the Daily Echo report (August 16) about the relocation of Southampton's main post office to WH Smith.

The impression given on earlier occasions was that the decision had already been made.

I very much doubt if most of the public knew they were being consulted, especially in view of the Government's cynical attitude towards post office closures.

It was by chance that I saw the notice in the post office window requesting comment, but I can scarcely believe that only seven other people wrote. Perhaps the letters were lost in transit!

In any case, I hear that there was a petition against the move signed by local traders, and so every single name on that list should have been taken as a response.

It is absurd that a city the size of Southampton should not have a purpose-designed post office.

The High Street office is very busy, and if it had to be moved, surely a premises could have been found that allowed for vehicular access rather than in the pedestrian precinct.

WH Smith, in common with many city centre stores, is a distinctly cluttered premises - a consideration which makes it an unsuitable choice.

To allow sufficient room for the incorporation of the postal services would surely mean a significant reduction in the space taken up by the shop's regular stock, so how can this be a welcome idea to its manager?

G PAYNE, Southampton.