HOW can Southampton councillors consider awarding themselves pay rises of up to 325 per cent which, according to the Daily Echo, is 130 times more than is being offered to the main work force?

What have these councillors done for the Southampton community in the last ten to 15 years? They need to take a good look at the traffic chaos, disgraceful roads and the complete failure to help youths. There is nothing of interest for them to do. Hence, they hang out on the streets and cause trouble.

Councillors sit on their backsides discussing how to cut back on labour and costs, depriving employees of a living wage.

What have Southampton MPs done in the past to ease any of this? How can they let the council get away with blue murder? They should take a more active role in improving this city.

Southampton is going to rack and ruin while our neighbour, Portsmouth, has improved its places of interest and we have nothing.

Councillors should look at our crime rate and instead of awarding themselves a massive rise, put the money into more policing, improving minor roads as well as main roads, more play areas for children, and places of interest for teenagers.

R BEAZLE, Southampton.