I note the letter from Alderman Edith Randall (September 6) encouraging people to fight to protect Testwood Lakes. This nature reserve is a much used and valued facility in Totton and deserves to be preserved at all costs against such profit driven intrusion.

Much of Linden Homes's argument comes in a document entitled Design and Access Statement (DAS).

For example, the transport links that they quote in their supporting documentation can easily be seen to be insufficient by a quick look at the timetables for the bus and train services. They do not connect and on a Sunday do not exist. This would mean a considerable increase in traffic and access to the site is via an outlet onto a bend in a main road. It's an accident waiting to happen.

Further, the car parking is of such a size that almost certainly the overspill' would use the car park in the adjoining nature reserve at Testwood Lakes.

The site is based on a hillside and the screening that is shown in the DAS would only be sufficient to screen about 10 per cent of the vertical line of site. This means that some 80 per cent of the lake in the nature reserve would be subject to light spillage from the proposed floodlighting.

The DAS rightly points out the local policy for community involvement in the planning application.

However, of the 409 representations received by NFDC by August 12, 2007 some 77 were received from outside the Totton and Calmore area. These included representations from as far away as Poole and Surrey.

While it is true that Linden Homes held a public exhibition this was held at one of the affected sites (Totton Sports Club) and was heavily publicised to the site users. Further, specific leafleting was carried out to football fans - a group of people who stand to gain from these proposals other than Linden Homes.

No similar efforts have been undertaken to canvas opinion from members of the public who use the Testwood Lakes facility adjacent to the proposed new sports ground. But then Linden Homes would hardly finance such a survey, would they? Therefore, it is suggested that the results of the community consultation undertaken by Linden Homes have been unfairly skewed in favour of the development.

It should be noted that Totton Sports Club and Totton and Eling FC' are simply renamings of private clubs, which are only in existence because they were part of the British American Tobacco (BAT) Sports and Social Club.

While it is commendable for employers to assist their employees in providing sport and social facilities there is absolutely no onus on local authorities to assist those employers in doing so.

As BAT is ceasing operations in the Southampton area there is no need for a sports and social club for its employees.

It is not incumbent upon the local authority to provide specific facilities for ex-employees of any company.

It is a fact, conveniently ignored by Linden Homes, that there are two existing cricket pitches within a mile of the proposed one. Does Totton really need another one? Is there any sense in providing a facility that can be used by 22 people for a few months of the year that will cause disruption to an adjacent facility, which is open to everyone the whole year round?

Contrary to the DAS there appears to have been no expert opinion sought on the impact of this proposed development on either wildlife on the existing site or the adjoining Testwood Lakes site.

Indeed, Hampshire Wildlife Trust, despite requesting to be informed, were never consulted or asked for an opinion about this proposed development.

In short, the only reason for this proposal is to enable building elsewhere. It is my understanding that those applications are heavily opposed too. However, this application is currently key. Without it, according to Linden Homes, the others will not be pursued.

The proposed development of this site would impact the adjoining Testwood Lakes site in such a way as to make the public's use and enjoyment of it in peace and quiet unsustainable. The loss of such an amenity would far outweigh the provision of a sports club for a few football players.

If the people of Totton and their elected representatives do not stand up and be counted now they and their children are likely to regret it in the future.