SOME bus drivers do not take into consideration their passengers' safety.

I was recently on a bus travelling out of the city centre with my partner and our two-year-old daughter. I am seven months pregnant.

The bus driver kept pulling away quickly and keeping very close to other vehicles in front of him.

If he wasn't doing that he was speeding. When he had to stop he had to brake hard and suddenly, which made some of our shopping fall over and our daughter fall off the seat.

Despite my partner saying something to the driver, when we got off he still pulled away like a maniac!

He was not the politest of drivers that I have been in company of when travelling on buses!

This episode has made me a very nervous passenger on buses and sometimes even in cars.

I checked the bus timetable to see if he was running late. He was and that made me even angrier. I think drivers like that should be kept off the roads. I had no problems when travelling on buses when my uncle used to work on them!

The service of bus drivers has gone downhill in the last ten years!

MISS KELLY EDWARDS, Thornhill, Southampton.