THE local Labour party in the guise of Councillor Don Thomas and others and now Dave Griffiths (Letters, September 6) are still desperately trying to justify the disingenuous claims that have been made regarding their supposed support of Lordshill Community Centre.

Let me put the record straight.

I am not a member of the Liberal Democrats, have not been a member since my last year as a councillor when I left the Liberal Democrats and joined the British Liberal Party and stood as a candidate in the subsequent local election as a Liberal. I lost.

The reason I supported the Liberal Democrat candidate (Ken Darke) at the last election was because he was the man responsible, not Don Thomas despite his phoney claims, for persuading the council to set aside £150,000 for a temporary new hall for the Lordshill Community Association.

This was supported by the Tory council group and voted against by the Labour group in February this year.

GEORGE MELROSE, former secretary of the Lordshill Community Association.