OUR country has gone a long way past the point of no return. Family life as it should be does not exist in the majority.

While I hold the greatest respect for Daily Echo columnist the Rev Ian Johnson, his writing remains one-sided when considering the future of our own people who are entitled to our heritage and our country.

So much is written on immigration to a point people have accepted it as an uncontrollable inevitability, which when considering our children and grandchildren's future, could leave a very big question mark.

Only the narrow-minded would place any blame on immigrants for wanting a much better life.

However, common sense should tell us only if we can afford them, and the politicians with their lifestyle and genuine interest in anything practical simply don't care.

Locally, Southampton, like so many other cities, has far too many people requiring all the facilities required by modern society.

It is obvious this problem is too big for our councillors to handle.

They have just been awarded a 325 per cent pay rise, saying they deserve more! I would not pay them in shirt buttons. Our people deserve far better, and a return to intelligent and responsible Government locally and nationally.

The man or woman who could put England back on its feet again will be a very exceptional person.