READERS have responded to my appeal for Royal Navy Electricians to join their new Association and they wrote in their hundreds.

The proof that such an association was needed was endorsed in Bournemouth where we held an inaugural meeting and reunion.

Those who didn't stay at the hotel but lived locally came in to swap yarns and reminiscences and packed into the meeting. Many old ship friendships were renewed, one back 51 years! What will the next reunion, planned for Llandudno bring?

This is a thank you from the Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association to thank the readers who have ex-RN electricians in their families who live abroad and have informed them.

We have members in the States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and a bit closer, France.

If you, or a member of your family, served in the Royal Navy in the Electrical Department and would like tomeet up with your old messmates, send your name and address, Service number (if you can remember it) and a couple of second class stamps to help Association funds to Mike Crowe, Royal naval Electrical Branch Association, 7 Heath road, Lake, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8PG for details. (Please leave the self adhesive stamps on their backing paper). Or e-mail me on Most important, what was your favourite ship and where you would like to be taken back to?

Which ships are mentioned already? Here are a few, HM Ships Ark Royal, (old and new), Bacchante, Bermuda, Caprice, Dundas, Eagle, Gambia, Harrier, Kenya, Lincoln, Newfoundland, Protector, Ranpura, St Vincent, Superb etc etc etc. How's that for just a sample as an alphabetical appetiser?

Not convinced the association is for you? Visit our website MIKE CROWE, Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.