BARRY Harrison asks why cyclists use the road rather than the cycle path in Bassett Avenue (Letters, September 10). I can't speak for other cyclists but I can give my reasons: 1. I used to use this path until a motorist backed out of her drive across the cycle path without pause. If I had been half a second earlier, she'd have hit me and deposited me in the road.

2. The cycle path crosses many minor roads meaning I would have to give way at each one whereas the road has priority.

3. As a shared use path, pedestrians can be a hazard (no I don't cycle on pavements). This path goes through a bus stop queuing area.

4. Cyclists are perfectly entitled to use the roads (except designated motorways). It is up to motorists to make sure they leave them sufficient room. I do when I'm driving a car.

I am happy to use well designed, safe cycle paths. This is not one.

TONY LEHRLE-FRY, Southampton.