I WAS informed some while ago at a council meeting, when I mentioned councillors' salaries that they didn't receive such a thing, only an allowance.

According to my dictionary an allowance is an allotted sum given at regular intervals whereas a salary is a fixed regular payment usually monthly for non-manual workers (sounds familiar).

Surely, if anyone is in receipt of an allowance they cannot legally raise this sum.

This latest pay hike, call it what you will, is a self-awarded salary rise of criminal proportions (325 per cent) and the words "We are worth it'' must choke in their throats.

My son is a civil servant, a far more demanding job than any councillor's job, and they are having to go on strike for a two or three per cent rise.

Where is the sense of proportion in this country and why are councillors allowed to get away with helping themselves to taxpayers' cash?

Where work is concerned they appear to spend half their time at each others throats and the other half making wrong decisions concerning the well-being of Southampton citizens and the city itself.

I wonder whether central government knows what is going on here, (speak up Mr Denham and Mr Whitehead) or they will be catching up with you pay-wise.

It is any wonder that many people at general and local elections do not bother to vote?

At least I can hold my head up and say "I didn't vote these people into power'', even though I cast my vote!

L A O'BEE, Lordswood, Southampton.