I COULDN'T agree more with the editor's comments on the banning of military personnel in schools by the National Union of Teachers.

To confound this bizarre behaviour by teachers' representatives, they also passed a motion inviting a variety of religious spokesmen to talk about their particular brand of belief in the supernatural to pupils.

So organisations whose purpose is to preserve peace and stability are prevented from talking to children, while those whose views have led and are still leading to violent conflict in so many parts of the world are encouraged to spread their contradictory beliefs.

Some NUT members tried to use the situation in Iraq to criticise the Army. In fact our forces are doing their best to stop different religious factions from blowing each other up.

Speaking as an ex-teacher myself, I found the NUT views quite grotesque, and I can't believe the average teacher would agree with them. If they do, it would make me very sad indeed.

Richard Cook, Southampton.