AN article in the Echo last week on Lyndhurst bypass gave me reason to begin to think on this problem, and problem it certainly is, which-ever way you look at it.

It seems from your article that a lot of Lyndhurst residents seem to be happy with the existing situation, and this surprised me, but is understandable.

Whichever of the two options illustrated is adopted, it will be a huge fall in value of some poor person's property.

For some years I enjoyed golf on the New Forest golf course, and when reading your article last week it reminded me of something which I thought you would have picked up, and that is that before the last war a start had been made on consruction of a bypass of Lyndhurst.

A certain Mr Hitler put a stop to this, but the site is still clearly visible at the side of the golf course car park, and runs for some distance toward the A337, Cadnam direction.

Then I began to think on the problem, and began to wonder if the Eastern bypass proposal was adopted, why would it not be a good idea to make all the heavy lorries heading for Lymington and the IOW ferries take the Beaulieu road around Bolton's Bench.

It would require building a new bridge at Beaulieu Road, but does bring them right in to the ferry terminal eventually, missing Beaulieu, just.

Whatever is eventually done creates vast problems, but we are given figures telling us that our traffic problems are not to deminish, so it has to hurt someone I am afraid.

Ewen Hentall, Southampton.