A NUMBER of readers have written letters recently complaining about cyclists riding on footpaths, particularly on the Itchen Bridge. Southampton Cycling Campaign members do not approve of footpath cycling and as a Campaign we promote safe and responsible cycling.

However, it cannot have escaped your readers' attention that facilities for cyclists are also frequently abused. The clearly marked green cycle paths are so often used by pedestrians, including runners, that cyclists have no option but to cycle on the pedestrian section of the footpath. Use of a bicycle bell or a polite suggestion that room should be made on a cycle path for cyclists often meets with an aggressive and abusive response.

In addition, vehicles are frequently parked in cycle lanes or obstructing access to them, and the advanced stop lines for cyclists at traffic lines are almost universally ignored. As far as I am aware, no motorist in Southampton has been fined for either of these offences. I recently had occasion to use the Itchen Bridge three times in one week and each time the cycle lane was obstructed by a parked vehicle, a fact I reported to the Council.

Cyclists would derive considerable benefit from the stricter enforcement of the Highway Code and the roads and pavements would be made safer for all.

Lindsi Bluemel, Chairperson, Southampton Cycling Campaign.