IT may come as a surprise to Ron Burlington (letters April 7) to know that a member of UK Independence Party is in full agreement with his sentiments regarding on-street parking outside ones house. I am unable to park outside my house even though I live far outside any restriction zone as it would block my neighbours driveway in doing so. I am however lucky enough to have a garage and forecourt, which was one of the many reasons I purchased the property in the first place.

If I did not have this facility I would be in the proverbial queer street as the saying goes. Southampton City Council would be unable to help in any way even should they wish to allow me the use of the public road adjacent to my home, and in any case I would not expect them to virtually extend my property holdings onto the public highway for which I already pay a road tax. One point I must disagree with Ron Burlington, there are still very many properties being built with little thought regarding parking facilities especially where council housing is concerned. One has only to look at Millbrook estate to see what I mean with vehicles (not only private cars but commercial too) parked on roads, pavements and grass verges.

My sentiments on the subject is that if a person lives in a restricted area and wish to park for unlimited periods outside their properties they should pay a nominal fee and all other non-resident motorists allowed a two hour stay only. I am totally against Residents Only' areas to the exclusion of all others. After all, any motorist is welcome to park outside my house but I doubt whether my neighbour would appreciate it. One last thought, if any motorist should park directly opposite another parked vehicle they should be liable for a heavy fine.

L A O'BEE, Lordswood