APRIL sees the arrival once again of Laboratory Animal Week across the globe (April 19-26), when those concerned about the use of animals in laboratory tests will be taking action to help end the suffering. Everyone can help.

This year, we are asking everyone to participate in a Compassionate Spring Clean to show their support for a ban on the use of animals in the testing of common household products.

Everyone can help, by throwing out their animal-tested products, and only buying cruelty-free.

Prompted by public opinion, over ten years ago the UK Government banned the testing of cosmetics on animals.

The European Union followed, and their phase-out of cosmetics testing is due to be complete by 2013.

In the current age when safe, scientifically advanced alternative tests are available, there is no reason why a ban on household testing cannot be implemented, too.

Cruelty-free household products are available in many supermarkets and high street shops, and NAVS can provide an extensive list of cruelty-free products to make things easy for compassionate shoppers who want to kick animal tested products out of their homes.

Call us on 020 7630 3340, or come to our website at: navs.org.uk The Compassionate Spring Clean campaign for World Laboratory Animal Week is being supported by actress Julie Christie and TV journalist and presenter Wendy Turner Webster, who are asking people to choose to buy cruelty-free, and both support the call for the UK Government to lead the way again in Europe - this time on household products.

So please, kick animal tested products out of your home this spring!

JAN CREAMER, chief executive, National Anti-Vivisection Society.