ON behalf of the Tenovus Solentside Committee and the cancer scientists working in Southampton, I would like to thank the readers of the Daily Echo for their support.

As you know, we run a highly successful research team looking for new treatments of cancer. Southampton is now one of the pre-eminent cancer units throughout the UK with more than 150 scientists and clinicians working to improve the prognosis of our patients.

We have been particularly successful at developing two new treatments, first "monocolonal antibodies" which can target the unwanted cells wherever they exist in the body, and second, "DNA vaccines" which boost a patient's immune system to fight developing cancer.

This success is seen in the new monoclonal antibody drugs such as herceptin and mabthera, used to treat breast cancer and lymphoma, respectively.

Cancer research is very expensive and it is only through the generosity of supporters that the fight can go on. However clever we are, and however hard we work, without their continued support we cannot continue. So once again, a big thank you.

Professor Martin Glennie, Director, Southampton Tenovus Research Laboratory.