DR Steve George “In My View’’ March 20 assures us that fluoridation is good for us by regurgitating the same half truths that the British Fluoride Society and the British Dental Association chant as a mantra.

The ignorance of those who think they know best is shown by one of the 12 Strategic Health Authority board members who voted for fluoridation.

She asked during the board meeting before the final decision was made “Is fluorosis permanent?’’ This, after three months of intense consultation by the Strategic Health Authority with the public. What right did she have to be sitting there if she was that ignorant? The soothing reassurance to this question was given by Prof Newton who really believes that fluorosis can only be spotted by a dentist and it actually enhances the look of the teeth! Last year the Independent newspaper reported that “any high-street dentist is able to offer veneers and – with prices at anything from £400 to £1,000 per veneer – make a very good living from it too, all with the full support of the profession’s leaders’’. Is that why many dentists want fluoridation? Anyway, why should we believe Dr Steve George when over 2,000 highly qualified scientists, doctors and dentists felt so concerned that they signed a petition calling for the end to fluoridation. Many of these people wrote the SHA on our behalf but it made no difference, as intended from the beginning, our views do not count fluoridealert.org/professionals.statement.

Bill Edmunds, Hampshire Against Fluoridation.