I HAVE today seen two Liberal Democrat publications, namely Forest Voice and In Focus. In both publications Councillor Brian Dash is very forthright in his condemnation of the County Council increase in Council Tax saying “We are in recession, people are struggling in Hampshire, investments have no value, jobs are being lost and houses repossessed’’.

Very true but where is his condemnation of the Liberal Democrat run Parish Council of Hythe and Dibden who unlike the Conservative run County Council tax rise of 1.9 per cent, or the Conservative District council tax rise of 2.7 per cent raised theirs a whopping 3.5 per cent, making it the fifth largest rise out of the 37 town and parish councils in the New Forest area. Yet again we see the Libdem policy of promising the earth when not in power but failing to deliver on those promises when in power.

Voters would do well to bear this in mind at the forthcoming local elections.

E DAVEY, Dibden Purlieu.