I write regarding the letter “The truth hurts, Mr Smith” (Letters, November 5).

Well I do wonder what this mystery person, who attacks Councillor Smith wishes us to “shout about”, or indeed if the whole point of their argument is to simply put down our policies with no alternative.

Firstly they don’t have the conviction or indeed decency to even say who they are, they then attack our position on Sure Starts and libraries, indeed insinuating these issues are not relevant to the citizens of Southampton.

Well let’s be clear, we, the Conservative group, led by Councillor Royston Smith, have stood for election, been voted in and have the conviction to put our names to what we believe in. You, however have no conviction, hide behind your anonymity and surprisingly have no positive issues to discuss.

Fact, we are forward thinking, taking decisions and protecting services, you have no message at all. So stop criticising and start working to make things better, or stand for election, put your name to a position and let the people decide!

CLLR DANIEL FITZHENRY, Cabinet member for environment and transport, Southampton City Council