YET again the buses to Lordshill North, Southampton, are to be cut. The 5 will go and the 21 will have a bus at 7.31am.

How are people meant to get to work?

I currently get a bus at 6.50am to start at 8am.

On the same bus are key workers such as medical staff. They start at 7.30am.

There is no longer a bus to get them to work.

Buses will be reduced to one an hour.

I finish work at 4pm but there will be no bus until 4.45pm and that is the last one of the day.

How do people get home from work?

I am disabled but have a bus stop over the road from my home so can still work but there won’t be a bus to get me there. The nearest stop will take me about 30 minutes to get there, which means I may have to give up work and go on benefits. Not a good thing.

The people who live in Bakers Drove won’t have a bus at all now.

What are the elderly meant to do?