I MUST admit, David Harrison (Letters, November 5) is right on one point, I am no angel, unless it be an avenging angel, and angels don’t rant!

I never claimed that the political parties were funded by the EU, what I said was that there is much more cashflow within the EU as far as the parties are concerned because of the amount of cash generated in Brussels (ask any MEP) at the expense of its citizens.

On the subject of the £16m investment coming to the New Forest, yes, I am fully aware of cash being spent here but I won’t have it that our membership of the EU has brought this about.

This was our cash in the first place and there would or could have been a lot more if we were not hog-tied to our EU bankers who sometimes allow us some of our cash back.

You can keep hoping concerning our beaches and our wild and green places (including the New Forest), but while we remain reluctant members of this greater Europe with its unrestricted immigration policies and our soaring population growth, things such as this will become harder and harder to achieve.

Of course you won’t trade statistics about the cost of our EU membership (never back a loser) and as you said in your previous letter we owe the peace to negotiation not confrontation, but please don’t mention protection from terrorism.

This country is now home to many of the world’s terrorists – it’s all part of the EU open border policy and a lack of our own controls.