THERE have been articles recently regarding cyclists using the New Forest. I personally have no problem with bike riders on the road, if only they would stay in single file. Problems do occur when they double, or even ride triple abreast to the extent of going over the white line.

Then there are the long rows of cyclists, and as a car driver, it is almost impossible to move back onto the left having commenced the over taking move, to only get say half way along and another car is then approaching you on their side of the road. You then get shouted at for pulling back onto the left hand side. They must leave gaps.

As for off-roading, bicycles are not Forest friendly, they are man-propelled machines. I suggest to bikers to go for a good walk instead.

On that particular issue, why do people stack bikes onto the back of the cars or roofs, rather than ride?

I do have a push bike, but confess find the roads too busy. A motor scooter, again I avoid the main roads where possible.

Where I live, we now have no bus service.

Which is annoying, as when I get my bus pass in a few years, it will be worthless.