MR Holley displays a prickly character when insisting I stop claiming the EU has helped keep the peace in Europe for over 50 years, (letters November 25). I’m afraid that the defining characteristic of a Liberal is that we are pretty much independent thinkers who happen to agree that the European Union is a good thing.

Business and the majority of politicians in the other two main political parties are also in broad agreement on this one.

Minority EU sceptics very often write letters to the press giving the impression that public opinion is more anti-EU than reality.

NATO was formed to counter the threat of the Soviet Union. It has played an important role in peacekeeping operations over the years. However, the interests of Europe is not always the same as its biggest backer, the USA.

It is folly to fail to appreciate the value of the EU in keeping the very different countries of Europe together. Almost always, it resolves differences through negotiation. Long live the EU!

CLLR DAVID HARRISON, New Forest Liberal Democrats.