SO Councillor Peter Baillie tells us that ‘Labour is suffering from memory loss’ (Letters, November 17).

Well at the age of 85 let us have a little memory test. Where shall I start? Yes 1946. Labour was in control in our city and one of its first proposals was to replace the many homes lost in the 1939-45 war by building a new set of housing in Bassett, Southampton. Which party opposed that? Surprise surprise, it was the Conservative group.

We went ahead and built what were called prefabs and not one of them was refused.

It was Labour that built a brand new hospital now known throughout the south as the General.

One part of it was later opened by Mrs Barbara Castle.

I was in Palestine with the Hampshire Regiment and I told my mother to vote Labour while I was away from home. She, dad and I am still proud of my party. Of course there are ups and downs but that is life.

PATRICK ALLAN, mayor of Southampton, 1980/81.