ALAN Glass (Letters, November 26) refers to “unelected pen pushers”. Which ones Alan? How many and what are they called, other than that silly term? I would be grateful if he could tell us precisely which EU regulations presented to and ratified by the UK Government that he wants rescinded.

The overarching characteristic of the Europhobes is a numeracy deficiency exemplified by J C Martin’s analogy (Letters, November 26) which suggests that the only reason for EU membership is the rebate!

The UK net contribution to the EU is NOT the £40m/day or £14 billion a year quoted by Nigel Farage and his UKIP cronies. It is £3.3 billion out of £631 billion of UK public spending or 0.5 per cent. For this we share sovereignty with the EU and have access to a market supporting almost 50 per cent of our exports and providing 3,000,000 British jobs.

Norway and other “outsiders” who trade with EU also have to pay for that access but have no say in its decisions.

The Government is rightly frightened at the prospect of a Euro collapse. No doubt Europhobes would welcome it along with the increase in unemployment which would follow.

BRIAN DASH, Liberal Democrat County Councillor Dibden and Hythe.