THE Tax Payers Alliance are absolutely correct in objecting to the council getting involved in the Rose Bowl.

I have written to Keith House expressing my thoughts in this issue and asking why the council’s spending of over £1m this far has been hidden.

Despite denials that any money had been expended it took the Daily Echo to reveal this was in fact untrue.

The Rose Bowl has involved itself in spending a large sum of money in attempting to attract Test cricket and it is now patently obvious that this is not going to happen.

They have blindly pursued one man’s dream – that of Mr Ron Bransgrove.

I would be intrigued to know how much money he personally has at risk in this venture.

If aquiring the Rose Bowl is such an attractive proposition then the private sector would jump at it.

Mr House sidesteps any direct questions on this issue and his failure to frankly answer any of the above questions tells us all we need to know.