Tony Blair's speech to the Labour conference was supposed to be his swan song.

It was more like a dead duck floating in the oily platitudes of one who knows he is no longer in command.

I fail to see why he still believes he will be a great loss to the Labour party, given the legacy he has left them, and the rest of the country. Lets just look at a few of the arrogant statements he made.

He claims that 30 million people a year come to this country yet we have no means of knowing how many are here lawfully - a statement he should be ashamed of!

He states that liberty should be for the law- abiding, yet we see more murders and robberies with violence, muggings of our elderly, paedophiles allowed to work with our children, etc and not enough police to deal with it.

He claims that more money has been invested in public services than ever before, why then are people dying in our hospitals through lack of basic hygiene? There are not enough staff at ground level, or on the wards.

He claims that global issues must be addressed yet 80 per cent of are energy now has to be imported because he has given away our rights to a foreign country.

He claims that strength, wisdom, and justice are the way forward. Well, how far forward has the Labour party come in 12 years when he can openly admit we cannot solve anything without America and Europe?

He condemns those who would distance Britain from these powers, yet most people only want to be distanced from the stranglehold of the EU for which he would not allow us a referendum (what was that about liberty?).

This ring of stars has become a noose around our necks and with every new directive that we bow to the noose is pulled a little tighter.

He claims to be a true believer in justice and values yet denies his own people the right to choose.

You are wrong, Mr Blair, the future does not just belong to the Labour party. The future of Britain lies with us all and we shall continue to fight for its freedom while you retire to your comfort zone' and lick your wounds.