WHAT a sad and rather pathetic reply is Conor Burns's reply to my letter of October 17.

It typifies the attitude of the Conservative party to any attempt to bring about a sensible and necessary discussion on the vital issue of the sell out of our country to the European Union.

The point of his comments about "green ink" and in invasion by aliens and Elvis working in Sainsbury's escapes me.

His comments that we entered into Europe by a Act of Parliament and after wide debate is typical of the innuendo and misleading statements.

One learns to expect when the Conservatives are dealing with European issues, Edward Heath is on record as saying "The truth about Europe must be kept from the British people and he took us into Europe on the pretence that we were entering into a Common market. Debate on the issue was sparse and the allegation that the issues were frequently voted on is false the only Referendum on Europe was not called by the conservatives but by Harold Wilson in 1975 who assured the British people that "sovereignty would not be eroded''.

I am sceptic about Europe and Mr Burns, an educated man, will know that sceptical comes from the Greek word skeplikos, meaning thoughtful.

It is obvious that the Conservative Party does not like thoughtful people and rely largely on the votes of an unthinking electorate.

Rodney Atkinson, a leading Conservative, has said "that European legislation has swept through the British Parliament on a tide of ignorance and intimidation".

These are tactics of all the three main parties and are facts that they will not discuss. We have lost the right to govern ourselves and that European Law takes precedence over English law.

It is a fact that EU laws in force in the UK exceed 5,000 and that our being in Europe has cost us billions of pounds and it is a fact that only this week the EU auditors have, for the 12th year in a row refused to accept the accounts. They say 90 per cent cannot be accounted for and that there is large scale fraud.

Mr Burns tries to make the point that UKIP is a one issue party, this is not the case, while leaving the EU is the major concern of UKIP we have an outstanding manifesto to resolve our major problems, hospitals, schools, pensions, railways etc using the billions we pay to Europe to resolve these issues without having to impose further burdens on the taxpayers.

We will also deal firmly with the immigration problem and deport all illegal immigrants forthwith.

UKIP is also very concerned and involved in local issues, we were particularly concerned in the recent disputes over the refuse disposal issue, the annexation of the allotments, the appalling amount of in filling that is going on and the drainage problems.

Destroying the Conservative party is not our main concern. The main issue is for us to leave the UE, regain the right to preserve out identity as a nation and to govern ourselves.

The aim of the EU is to create an undemocratic Socialist Empire run by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and the Conservatives are all set to allow this process to continue.

The only comment I have heard from David Cameron was at the conference in Bournemouth when he said his aim "was to reduce the interference from Brussels.

They want to preserve the status quo.

UKIP has always attracted loyal and patriotic members of all the other parties but what we want and hope to do is to attract the majority of people throughout our country who are so sick and disillusioned by politicians of all parties they refuse to vote at all.

Our numbers continue to rise steadily as the public gradually, despite the attempts of the three main parties to withhold the truth, come to realise the enormous benefits that would ensure to our nation by throwing off the shackles of Europe, while remaining in the Common Market of which we are full members.

F W ESTALL, Hedge End.